CH341A USB Mini Programmer Drives Best Mini 2021 latest

CH341A programmer

CH341A USB Mini Programmer Best Mini

CH341A is a USB interface chip that can copy UART correspondence, standard equal port, memory equal port and coordinated sequential (I2C, SPI). The chip is produced by Chinese organization Jiangsu QinHeng Ltd. CH341A is utilized by some modest memory developers. The IC is by one way or another restricted in this arrangement, in light of the fact that the software engineer makes utilize just of the SPI and I2C interface and leaves a ton of pins detached. A well known gadget is the dark CH341A MiniProgrammer that you can purchase for 2 to 5 USD. 

The issue with these gadgets is that you get them with no documentation or programming. Drivers are accessible from producer’s site (yet the site is written in Chinese). Additionally, some source codes are accessible from producer. There are open source applications that help this developer. Yet, most importantly, how about we examine the equipment. 

Photograph of the dark CH341A Mini Programmer  

A brief glance at the board uncovers the primary electronic parts utilized: CH341A, a 12 MHz gem needed by the chip, a 3.3V controller, two 7 pin headers and the ZIF (zero addition power) attachment. The developer can be purchased with extra attachments and connectors, some of them with voltage moving circuits. 


After some looking through I tracked down a schematic of a CH341A based software engineer, however it wasn’t spot on and complete. It didn’t have the pinheaders on the sides of the ZIF attachment which I needed to know what they are really going after. I took the multimeter and began to follow lines on the software engineer PCB until I got a total schematic. The schematic is very straightforward, in light of datasheet. 

Schematic of the dark CH341A Mini Programmer. I additionally discovered WAVGAT store (a merchant on AliExpress). Their item page offered a the PCB plan of the gadget (just top side, in any case). 

CH341A Mini Programmer PCB 

CH341A Mini Programmer PCB (by WAVGAT/AliExpress) 

Presently, how about we return to the schematic and break down it a bit. The chip is fueled from 5V, so its I/O ports will likewise utilize 5V. Essentially this is a 5V gadget. The issue is that any memory you fit in the attachment will be fueled from 3.3V. Also, this is by all accounts the main capacity of the 3.3V controller (other than the 3.3V pin on the SPI connector). I don’t have the foggiest idea why the creator even utilized a controller, in the event that it didn’t give a change to pick either 3.3V or 5V levels and supply. By perusing the datasheet, we can see that the producer prescribed to associate a 0.47 uF capacitor between RSTI (pin 2) and VCC for further developed solidness. There is none on this board. 

At any rate, I utilized the gadget with I2C EEPROMS (3.3V and 5V) viable and furthermore SPI FLASH recollections (3.3V gadgets) with no issues. For further developed dependability and to try not to consume memory chips, I energetically suggest utilizing a level shifter. To transform this software engineer into a 3.3V gadget, you could cut the 5V line from VCC pin (28) and bind it to the 3.3V yield from controller. You will likewise have to associate V3 pin (9) to VCC (3.3V). Client johnmx from EEVblog Forum has prevailed with regards to changing this software engineer over to 3.3V levels. 

Note that the gadget functions as a developer just if ACT# pin is associated with ground by means of a resistor. That is the reason you should put a jumper across pins 1 and 2 of the UART connector. In any case the gadget will be perceived as a standard USB to chronic converter. 

Drivers and apparatuses 

The producer of CH341A gives a great deal of helpful things on the item page. Here are the documents you can discover and what they contain (the initial two are the ones you need): 

CH341SER.EXE – self introducing chronicle with USB to chronic driver. 

CH341PAR.EXE – self introducing chronicle with multiprotocol interface driver (this one is for the developer mode) 

CH341SER.ZIP – chronicle containing driver records and sequential API and library (you needn’t bother with explicit API for standard sequential port, yet it contains some extraordinary capacities to get IC form and so forth) 

CH341PAR.ZIP – chronicle containing driver records for interface mode and API (header and library to get to the gadget and utilize any convention you need). 

CH341PAR_LINUX.ZIP – document containing Linux driver source code and Linux API 

CH341SER_LINUX.ZIP – Linux driver source code for sequential port (needn’t bother with this one, it’s now remembered for parts) 

CH341EVT.ZIP – some source code and devices written to be utilized with an assessment board (might be valuable for programming that can get to this gadget) 

CH341DS1.PDF – datasheet, in Chinese 

CH341DS2.PDF – some extra data and API documentation, in Chinese 

CH341DP.ZIP – contains an ISP programming device? 

CH341DPS.ZIP – most likely like the abovementioned, once required login to 

An ordinary client just necessities the initial two. Simply double tap on every one of them and when the exchange seems click on Install. Next thing you’ll require is programming. Windows clients can attempt  As Programmer. The API becomes fascinating because of the adaptability of the chip. You can assemble your own product that will peruse/compose information from/to sensors, ongoing clocks or whatever other gadgets that utilization sequential correspondence. You can likewise interface equal gadgets to the chip, yet this will require change of the software engineer board to associate with pins. 

CH341A Gadgets 

There are additionally some different software engineers and sheets dependent on this chip. You can discover the majority of them via looking “CH341A” on Banggood and AliExpress. Here is an outline of the software engineers and advancement sheets accessible:

This product is for CH341A little usb profiles developer both Black and Green Edition. It is in zip design. from given connection underneath and remove it to utilize. You don’t have to introduce this product variant. This resembles compact simply concentrate and use. It is 100% working and tried programming and everybody can  it liberated from cost from this website. 


This CH341 Mini software engineer can program the accompanying: 

Simple Color TV Set Memory/Flash IC (24 Series) 

LCD (24.25 series IC) 

Work area Motherboard Bios Program (25 Series) 

Journal/Laptop Flash IC (25 Series) 

WIFI/Network Router (25 Series) 

All inclusive TV Card (25 Series) 

DVD Flash IC (25 Series) 

Set-top Boxes (25 Series)